Available – Contact me for details: $1050
The blue sky, blue paint and contrasting sand with the sun shining down bright made it irresistible for me to paint this scene!

Available – Contact me for details: $1050
The blue sky, blue paint and contrasting sand with the sun shining down bright made it irresistible for me to paint this scene!
Available – Contact me for details: $1050
A friend showed me some photos of Madison, WI and I loved the feeling and vibrancy of the city so much that I just had to paint it. This is a scene from State Street in Madison, but not the usual view of the Capitol building, which is further down. 16″x20″ Acrylic on stretched canvas.
This painting is currently on exhibit at the LagunaArt Gallery in Mission Viejo, CA until 2023/07/01.
This is a portrait of an old man that everyone called “Oupa Japie” (Grandpa Japie), this photo was taken by a friend that went to visit him while he was looking after his grandchildren after both their parents had died. He was friendly and jovial despite his dire circumstances and that is what I tried to capture in this painting. 12″x16″ in acrylic on board. $900
Available – Contact me for details: $130
This is a farm house with a barn near our house. I loved the late afternoon light and the colors of the panels on the buildings. 11″ x 14″ acrylic on canvas.
“Seek” 16″ x 20″ x 0.5″ acrylic on canvas – This is the second more abstract painting I did on Sunday, I liked how both of these have intense hot orange colors against cool greys.
Available – $470
This painting is available, contact me for details.
Y98D – General store in Aguanga baking in the sun. 16″x20″ on canvas in Acrylic.
54VS – Shark Fin Rock, Santa Cruz, with a burst of yellow flowers. 11″ x 14″ x 0.5″ on canvas in acrylic.
ALWY – Peaceful view of the bay along Highway 1. 11″ x 14″ x 0.5″ on canvas in acrylic.
SVW2 – Pine covered cliffs along Highway 1. 11″ x 14″ x 0.5″ on canvas in acrylic.